research project -- A significant shareholders'
proposal to P&G for remedy of a lapse in their IAMS'
veterinary medical research excellence that is failing to
unmask the flaw in current formulations of 'kibble' for
little cats' dietary needs...
The complete text, as
originally submitted before encountering the limits of SEC
rules restricting shareholders' involvement in company
meetings for stockholders:
For the SEC-compatible
version, interestingly distilled to the mind-numbing
bullet-point level, join us for a power-point presentation.
the Shareholders of P&G stock, as of the Annual Meeting
in October 2009: A Proposal
father worked at P&G for 25 years in the printshop
(before P&G was required by then-new government
regulations to divest its printing businesses in the 50s)
and my mother managed to grow that early form of worker's
involvement in company ownership to ensure that her
children would inherit a substantial endowment of P&G
stock, though each of us has our own interests. I think
that workers' investment opportunity was an ideal method of
getting unified working efforts. At the moment though, my
concern is for excellent research to be reflected in P&G's
products and we have encountered a serious lapse in that
category which we feel is appropriate for shareholder
consideration since these research results are not well
understood yet by those outside the narrowly focussed
research community in academia. But with the rate at which
information travels in the current environment, this
situation will arrive on P&G's doorstep which makes
this decision/proposal to be moving on making changes in
P&G's operations a vital concern of stockholders at
this immediate point in time.
We have noted at
IAMS' website that the nutrient analysis of their dry cat
food is definitely more than 50% plant source carbohydrate
-- specifically corn with its high sugars content, but also
rice, barley and beet pulp also sugary -- since the labels'
stated protein and fat content imply a carbohydrate (never
in meat) content in the 50% category.
This may be
healthy for omnivores, like dogs or others, but cats are
STRICT carnivores. And this raises concern and leads us to
more research. Which brings us to the vital concern for
shareholders. Considering the fact that the relevant
research on the organ functions of strict carnivores has
already past basic confirmation testing, we have been
appalled to still see no changes in IAMS' petfoods. We
expected they would be among the leaders in implementing
changes with P&G's reputation for standards of research
and innovation at stake.
Because of the damaging
potential in the dry catfood products' carbohydrate
loading, changes are needed drastically because the dry
food product extrusion machinery cannot function without
these carbohydrate levels. These products were developed as
extensions of dogfood businesses but dogs are omnivores and
the evidence that's accumulating in the academic research
areas of veterinary medicine focussed on feline diabetes
mellitus indicates, without doubts, that the dry cat food
MUST be limited to emergency feeding situations for ferals
where human ability to provide appropriate carnivore foods
is unavoidably precluded. No other use is ethical with our
current knowledge.
Yet this knowledge -- which is
openly available to governmental agencies as well as
industry -- is being 'not attended' and the tragedies that
result from inappropriate nutrition for our pet-companions
are allowed to continue. Cats
cannot tolerate even 10%
of their diet coming from 'kibble' with its carbohydrates
-- regardless of 'quality' -- without developing fatal
diseases that are otherwise avoidable. Diseases that we now
absolutely know cannot be cured without total cessation of
such dry 'food' are the result. Without this
change/cessation, the best that veterinary science can do
is to prescribe unending doses of insulin injections and
constant vigilant bloodsugar testing, the current tragic
stalling point. With this change/cessation, the research of
E. Hodgkins, DVM, JD is
uniformly achieving 80% actual CURES after a fluctuating
series of insulin doses to re-establish the affected cat's
own normal digestive processing of foods that are then
totally meat-based, usually canned but also raw. These
results are through the initial steps of peer-reviewed
confirmation publishing by other researchers, specifically
we'd suggest reading/contacting Dr D. S. Greco or Dr J.S.
Rand each of whom are leading experts actively exploring
what can be done for the remaining 20% of affected feline
For the record Dr E. Hodgkins, DVM, JD has
not only her research credentials but also established
credible background in the pet food industry and the
distinction of actual clinical practice. The patent for the
Hodgkins method is on record in the patent office and
available online for public reading.
Dr Greco. DVM,
PhD is, by contrast, an internal medicine specialist and
researcher and did her confirmation research while at the
American Medical Center, Teaching Hospital in NYC. Dr J S
Rand is a Professor at the School of Veterinary Science,
University of Queensland in Brisbane.
Quoting from
Dr D S Greco, DVM, PhD, internal medicine specialist, the
disease causation is exposed for general realization: ----
Greco reported this explanation at a recent AVMA convention
in CO ----- [beginning of quote] "Cats are
unique in the way they handle protein, carbohydrates, and
fat," Dr. Greco said. Cats are strict
carnivores and,
because of this, they have a tremendous ability to produce
glucose from protein, but have difficulty processing
carbohydrates. The feline liver has normal hexokinase
activity, but no glucokinase activity. Thus, cats are
limited in their ability to mop up excess glucose and store
glycogen... Unlike humans, protein is the stimulus for
insulin release in cats. Cats have adapted to high protein
diets by being insulin resistant. This maintains blood
glucose during periods of fasting, convenient for a cat in
the wild...
"When you take an individual that
is genetically programmed to consume high protein and low
carbohydrates, and you put them on a high carbohydrate
diet, what happens is their insulin resistance works
against them," she said. "Their blood glucose
concentrations are too high ... they can't overcome that,
and they start to release more and more insulin in an
attempt to reduce blood glucose levels." This doesn't
work, however, and the cat eventually develops type 2
The cat gets amyloid deposition in the pancreas, exhaustion
of the pancreatic cells, and glucose
toxicity from consumption of large amounts of
carbohydrates. ----
Colorado, American Veterinary Medical Association ----
www.catnutrition.org ----
Greco testimony ----- [end of quote]
understanding is the good news, excellent in fact for our
cat population, to achieve actual cures with this
methodology. Without it, the road for cats living on
insulin injections and continued carbohydrate diets, leads
to further degenerative problems with kidney failure and
hyperthyroidism, and nightmares for their owners.
blessings are not without complications for some in the pet
care world. The implications are huge, blindingly huge, too
huge to be acknowledged readily.
P&G is not
receiving decent guidance from the FDA, the Department of
Agriculture, nor even the AAFCO -- currently responsible
for nutrition specification requirement -- and P&G will
be ultimately facing extended legal and public relations
struggles when the drastic implications of this research
can no longer be shunned. Interpersonal communications on
the internet already are altering the ability of
regulatory/public officials to take the 'head in the sand'
stance to cover up the proverbial Inconvenient Truths that
they do not want to face. With an estimated pet population
of over 60 million, each with a $2-3,000 food loyalty
value, this inconvenient change is not appropriate ethical
strategic planning to be allowing the company to be caught
It's time to act. The patent for the
feline diabetes mellitus treatment protocol has been bought
by Heska Corporation (HSKA) specializing in innovative,
research-driven care and diagnostic solutions, with
headquarters in Colorado. The Hodgkin's book is now
spreading to libraries and bookstores. It is uniformly
welcomed as a topic among the cat owners groups online,
especially vehemently among groups focussing on these
increasingly frequent cat health issues of diabetes, kidney
failure and hyperthyroidism.
Without action, which
we see nowhere on P&G's radar, IAMS at the extreme
least will struggle with image problems suggesting
incompetence or worse, indecent coverups and unethical
profiting from lack of knowledge by the public, all at the
expense of cats and their owners who will feel deceived
into unknowingly injuring their own little pets while
'Truth' was available. The panic, the media alarm
megaphones, the frantic product recalls of barely a year
ago when contaminated wheat was traced in pet foods is an
example of how the anger would likely emerge. That anger in
the American public over being unable to protect their pets
and somehow allowing injurious substances to be unwittingly
conveyed to their precious pets with their own hands was
immediately ignited, leading to a massive reaction against
Chinese manufacturing, that still is impacting all our
trade with China -- and even those who dealt with China's
contaminated product, such as the Dutch intermediaries. We
do suppose that this anger over tragedy inflicted on our
own kittens will not ever be so smoothed over.
do propose that P&G assume leadership in realizing the
huge shift in feeding information and product development
that P&G's customers do expect from P&G based on
their understanding of P&G's own emphasis on quality
and what that valued understanding must imply under these
circumstances. We expect P&G will not fail to rise to
the effort required and propose that that effort begin
As to what might that effort be, the
space program may be the place to be looking. In that space
science scenario, protein is required but difficult to
provide in any form manufacturable -- until they analysed
the foods of other cultures and discovered insect based
foods. For stockholders, this would hold manufacturing
efficiencies and economics, for cats this would provide
more natural cat-toy nutrients, and for cat owners this may
still offer ease of serving. The image benefits of space
research and cultural diversity as well as the excellent
news of a cure-related development would sidestep the huge
obstacles of leadership. IAMS after all has a canned food
array of products that could serve as transitional feeding
improvement, possibly with coupon support for cat
appropriate raw meats in the grocery -- beef heart and
kidney, chicken liver and gizzards, even whiting fish. This
could develop relationships with the meat industry to solve
their declining market as more people adopt a more
plant-based diet. Not to mention the growing controversies
over corn usage as fuel and thus relieve pressure on this
agricultural product's prices.
Cat kibble must be
unmasked, even though it was not intended to do harm to our
cats. It can possibly be directed to wildlife
supplementation where it may be appropriate -- possibly for
raccoons, opposums or other ferals.
We do not see
that it can be any other way than for P&G to be
decently ethical in living up to P&G's standards of
excellence in product development.
We do not wish
to see repetition of tragedies, multiplying, and we do not
expect that our shareholding colleagues, having been so
informed of these simultaneously wonderful and terrifying
prospects, will condone continuing on the old path of
inducing cat owners to feed destructive carbohydrate
products that will injure our precious kittens. Therefore
we propose that P&G adopt an immediate course of action
to remediate these unfortunate affairs on IAMS' doorstep,
which plan of action shall include re-direction of
consumers of cat food to canned or raw meat, a plan of
building appropriate relationships within the meat and
grocery business world, a plan to encourage rural and
exurban homeowners to adopt feeding stations for their
local wildlife during difficult ecological periods
especially in their own diversely affected areas.
Respectfully submitted,
MJH Raichyk,
PhD Mathematical Decision Analyst 4263 Ferguson Dr
#2 Cincinnati OH 45245