Batya Weinbaum vs CSU and the English Dept

Settlement values, lawyer's expenses, and probabilities were based on the participants' initial estimates. All were accessible for sensitivity testing to determine significance of pivotal choices. Total Expectations indicated that any eagerness to settle early was unwarranted, even though the legal fees were climbing. Complainants' resources would require outside assistance to reach projections of legal system usual performance, suggesting consideration of more limited definition of 'full legal process' evaluation, since CSU's resources were not so limited. Full display is presented here however.
$255,584 LawyersBills $30,250 $31,300 $34,450 $35,500 $38,650 $39,700     100.0% Expected  
  $25,000 $5,250 $1,050 $3,150 $1,050 $3,150 $1,050 Settlement LegalFees Likelihood Value  
              Lose&Quit $0 $39,700 5.6% ($2,241) NegotFruitless/GoToCourt/Lose/Appeal/Lose/Appeal/Lose&Quit
            Appeal 20%          
          Lose 80% Win $600,000 $39,700 22.6% $126,524 NegotFruitless/GoToCourt/Lose/Appeal/Lose/Appeal/Win
        Appeal 66% Quit 80% $0 $35,500 7.1% ($2,505) NegotFruitless/GoToCourt/Lose/Appeal/Lose/Quit
      Lose 90% Win 20%   $400,000 $35,500 18.2% $66,253 NegotFruitless/GoToCourt/Lose/Appeal/Win
    GoToCourt 80% Quit 34%     $0 $31,300 5.9% ($1,859) NegotFruitless/GoToCourt/Lose/Quit
  NegotFruitless 99% Win 10%       $250,000 $31,300 14.9% $32,477 NegotFruitless/GoToCourt/Win
$218,461 75% Quit 20%         $0 $25,000 0.8% ($188) NegotFruitless/Quit
              Lose&Quit $0 $39,700 2.4% ($955) NegotNuisance/GoToCourt/Lose/Appeal/Lose/Appeal/Lose&Quit
            Appeal 33%          
          Lose 75% Win $400,000 $39,700 4.9% $17,598 NegotNuisance/GoToCourt/Lose/Appeal/Lose/Appeal/Win
        Appeal 75% Quit 67% $0 $35,500 2.4% ($863) NegotNuisance/GoToCourt/Lose/Appeal/Lose/Quit
      Lose 80% Win 25%   $300,000 $35,500 3.2% $8,570 NegotNuisance/GoToCourt/Lose/Appeal/Win
    GoToCourt 90% Quit 25%     $0 $31,300 3.2% ($1,014) NegotNuisance/GoToCourt/Lose/Quit
  NegotNuisance 90% Win 20%       $200,000 $31,300 1.8% $3,037 NegotNuisance/GoToCourt/Win
$25,873 20% Quit 10%         $0 $25,000 2.0% ($500) NegotNuisance/Quit
    Settle           $50,000 $25,000 0.0% $0 NegotNuisance/Settle
$11,250 NegotSettle             $250,000 $25,000 5.0% $11,250 NegotSettle

Last Updated on 6/14/2005
By JHRaichyk, PhD Mathematical Decision Analyst