Spirituality & Romantic Sex
Recent events in science have been documenting the existence
of phenomena and entities we´ve had only limited success in
verifying in the past. In January ´94 the Journal of Psychology
published an article by Bem of Cornell and Honorton of the University
of Edinburgh
reporting their success in demonstrating the existence of telepathy.
In about the same time frame, Brian Weiss, head of psychiatry
at the University of Miami hospital published
Many Lives, Many Masters, an impressive account of his
accidental discovery of irrefutable evidence of re-incarnation.
Then came the physicists. Most impressive
was Schmidt´s elegant work in measuring pk effects, using pairs
of computer generated audio tapes, banking half as yet unobserved and
sending the mates to be pk altered according to instructions issued later
by an independent third party. When the vault was opened and the tapes
played, the conclusion was unavoidable. The unobserved past was pk-alterable.
What´s an atheist to do?

The paradigm shift inherent in these discoveries would be as radical
as quantum mechanics had been. Stevenson´s catalog at the University
of Virginia of his validated reports, by young children, of other lives...
What else?
I began exploring other strange claims.
Many seemed suspect so I returned to Weiss´ work. Some of his
techniques were repeatable by anyone... which made each individual a
walking lab in which the individual could try the concepts for themselves...

who could resist such excitement?
One experiment led to another... the OOBE led to the dream diary...
and the world morphed before my eyes, validating some ancient traditions...
the amazing experience of our immaterial self, realizing we are souls...

Questions multiplied, from what to who and why and where and when...
The trail led from Weiss to the Institute of Noetic Science,
to Edgar Cayce´s Association for Research and Enlightenment,
to Michael Newton´s Journey of Souls.
IONS was more technical
and theoretical,
as is Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot.
ARE, more recorded raw experience and holistic health.
Newton extended Weiss´ work in hypnotherapy, researching
what we
do between lives, what we are trying to learn with this incarnation,
and how we find those who have come, in part, to share our adventure.
Add to Weiss´ book, a book like
Out-Of-Body Adventures by Rick Stack and you´re ready to
begin your own observations.

Knowing who is guiding us behind the scenes and how, why we incarnate,
what we are trying to accomplish, who will work with us... Divas and
angels, guardians and guides... Gardening becomes working with the
divas just as Machaelle Small Wright did in
Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered. Near-death experiences
now made sense and there were reports of mothers who experienced
visitations by their children´s souls before birth or even
before conception. The best source is Elizabeth Hallett´s
Soul Trek.
Stunned, I now recognized the experience before my daughter´s
birth for what it was, though then I was an atheist and this fleeting,
pleasant event
had been memorable but as incomprehensible as the novelty
of some pretty little archealogical figurine, a treasure if recognized
but, if not, just a child´s toy or an obstacle to planting the blackberry bushes.
And now Cassandra Eason´s new book The Mother Link
chronicles cases of mothers´ continuing connection
to their children in times of crisis.
Even sex is sacred.

Especially sex is sacred. Tantra, an Eastern practice, holds that
conscious loving should be an all day preparation for lovemaking and
establishes the link between love and meditation. Adding western
research results to eastern techniques suggests romantic love and
monogamous intimacy are keys to happiness, attainable and natural.
Science is only beginning to understand the chemistry of monogamous
pairing, but the results to date suggest the importance of
´happily ever aftering´, a meditative embrace as the finalé
to lovemaking, the time of imprinting being the ecstasy afterwards.

Exploring bliss together is an intimate, very individual quest having many
paths and many wonders. Texts provide a myriad of starting points
& techniques from which to improvise. Simple variations such as
napping curled together to start can be more suitable for a couple whose days
are long and taxing because the male hormonal cycle peaks in the middle
of the night and sweet sleep enhances responsiveness, optimism and
energy. Some destinations in ecstacy can be alarming in their nature
and intensity so a bit of reading on kundalini, and maybe mutual hypnosis,
will prepare you for these more exotic pleasures.
Recognizing our beloved and making love the fabric of our lives
becomes a very romantic life story...
and the key is spirituality.